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Appeal for Sponsors for Defibrillator for The Brightwell

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

We have an urgent need for a defibrillator to be used at The Brightwell. There are two very important reasons for this.

Primarily, to potentially save the life of anyone using, volunteering, or working at the Centre who might have a cardiac arrest. Many if not most of our service users have pre-existing health conditions, so we obviously have a duty of care to them and having a defibrillator to hand reduces the time in which we can start emergency treatment.

Secondly, we want to encourage as many clinics as possible and practitioners to use our excellent facilities. Some of these clinicians/practitioners have a check list of standards that we need to meet. Due to the facility being purpose-built we already meet most of the criteria. However, an onsite defibrillator would strengthen our case for them to use our therapy rooms. The advantages of having clinicians onsite benefits The Brightwell by providing much needed income, the ability to be able to offer additional specialist therapies for our users and to increase awareness of the charity via these clinics.

After much research and taking expert advice from the Great Western Air Ambulance Service HeartSafe, our preferred choice is as follows

HeartSafe Rucksack With HeartSine Defibrillator Heartsine 500P

Product overview

Voted as the UK’s no.1 defibrillator by HeartSafe

The UK continues to experience unprecedented demand for its Emergency Ambulance Service.

Very few people ever survive a Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) due to the delays in obtaining an AED (Automated External Defibrillator). In addition, after obtaining an AED, people often panic during an intense, difficult few minutes.

Subsequently, the poor quality of CPR provided by those assisting further impacts the likelihood of survival.

Survival rates can increase from 5% to over 60% if prompt action is taken and the most appropriate AED is chosen.

HeartSafe have already provided and supplied 1000’s of the Unique British AED, the ‘HeartSine Samaritan 500P’ with live accurate CPR feedback. Quite simply, they claim it to be the AED most likely to save a life when used by a person with little or no training as well as trained personnel.

The kit Includes:

· Carry case

· Enhanced Resus Kit

· USB Stick Training Video

· 5 x directional labels

COST: £1398.00

If you would like to sponsor this item or would like further information about The Brightwell 100 please contact.

Caroline Blake-Symes |Trustee and Brightwell 100 Coordinator

Further information can be found on the following pages:

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