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Bradley Stoke Town Council Charity Scarecrow Trail starting Saturday 21 October


Bradley Stoke Town Council will be launching the 2023 Charity Scarecrow Trail on Saturday 21 October at 9am. The trail will close on Sunday 29 October at 6pm.

Twenty-one scarecrows will be distributed throughout Bradley Stoke for people to find using trail maps which can be purchased for £2 from today. The trail maps can be purchased from the Town Council Office, Jubilee Centre, Baileys Court Activity Centre, Brook Way Activity Centre, The Willow Brook Centre, Black Sheep Kitchen, Mamas Bristol and The Brightwell Centre. Visit Bradley Stoke Town Council website for more information:

Councillor Dayley Lawrence, Mayor of Bradley Stoke said: ‘I am delighted that so many people and organisations have come forward to make scarecrows as all the money raised will go to the Mayor’s charities which are Mamas, the Brightwell Centre and Prostate Cancer UK. I really look forward to judging the scarecrows. This year the theme for the trail is ‘international’ to celebrate all the people in the world and the diverse cultures which we live in and embrace within the community of Bradley Stoke’.

Councillor Natalie Field, Deputy Mayor of Bradley Stoke commented: ‘The scarecrow trail is great fun for families with children, but anyone can do it. It’s an enjoyable way of getting out and about and to be active whilst finding the scarecrows then working out which countries they represent. It’s wonderful as well that the people/organisations who have made the scarecrows are making them out of recycled materials. It shows people care about their environment.’

Libby, from the Brightwell Centre, who has worked alongside the Council remarked ‘The Brightwell are very excited to be part of the Charity Scarecrow event this year. There are some fantastic prizes up for grabs including day trips to local attractions and meals out to be won. I hope the community really enjoy this engaging activity through half term and wish everyone luck in finding the scarecrows and identifying which countries they represent.’

Photo shows – Mayor, Dayley Lawrence and Libby from The Brightwell Centre

There will be an award ceremony for the best scarecrow and the Mayor’s favourite scarecrow on Saturday 4 November between 2.30pm and 4.30pm at the Brook Way Activity Centre.



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