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Brightwell Consultation Survey Results


I wanted to thank you all for taking the time to engage with and respond to our Consultation Survey for current stakeholders of the Charity and to the survey for lapsed members.

We had a fantastic response with over 127 complete entries to both surveys.

Please click below to view the full Members’ Consultation Survey Report as a PDF

I thought it would be beneficial to present some of the learning we have made from the responses and any interesting findings the surveys have highlighted.

Over 75% of all respondents were over the age of 50 and over two thirds were women, which fits in with our demographic, as well as the demographic for people who are living with a neurological condition like MS, nationally.  Almost 50% of all respondents were retired. 

The Brightwell’s services were rated Excellent by 67% of the people that use them, followed by 28% Good, 4% Satisfactory and >1% Poor.  The majority of “Excellent” responses were for the Café, followed by “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy” and the “Neuro-physiotherapy”. The poor ratings were few and were concentrated on the clinics and therapies that took place infrequently during the year.

The main areas highlighted for improvement are around better communication so that members know what is on offer and when, appointment bookings and reminders, around transport and improvements to our facilities, mainly around the café space. Many of these themes were repeated under question 16 including: improved communication, another Chamber, extended hours and transport, which came up again very strongly.

77% of members are extremely satisfied with our service delivery and 21% are satisfied. Under 2% are dissatisfied. And over 92% rate the quality of the activities offered at the Centre like the Bingo and Quizzes as "Excellent" or "Good".

We had varied responses for additional services the Brightwell should offer. These included; out of hours therapy sessions, carer support, skill based sessions, another Oxygen Chamber, more daytime social events, developing coping strategies for living with long term conditions and specialised information for newly diagnosed people, amongst others.

When asked about changes to the demand for therapy over the next 5 years, the majority of respondents thought that this would significantly increase as more people are diagnosed and have to become more proactive in finding symptom management tools that works for them. Long Covid and CFS were highlighted time and time again as a growing area for concern, with the feeling that the demand on Hyperbaric Oxygen will also increase within that timeframe.

The Brightwell’s greatest strengths are its people and its community!  The words that stood out from this question were “Friendly” “Welcoming” “Professional” “Support” “Affordable” “Accessible”. The staff and Volunteers were mentioned positively almost in every single response.

The main challenges faced by current stakeholders were around therapy resources including staff and oxygen appointment availability. Some facility issues including parking and training requirements from volunteers also featured as well as the struggle for affordable and accessible transport to and from the Centre.

This was echoed in the consultation responses from lapsed members, where distance from the centre, transport and costs were highlighted as the main reasons for current non-attendance.

95% rated our services as “Affordable” or “Very Affordable” and 5% as “Expensive”.  I would like to underline here that we ask for a contribution towards our therapies. The rate we set is highly subsidised by all the fundraising activity that takes place and other sustainable income sources. We do not means-test for service contributions or turn anyone away if they are unable to contribute at the requested level.

87 respondents believe that the Brightwell’s services are accessible to those that need them. The barriers to accessibility that the remaining 12 respondents highlight fall into two main categories; transport and cost. 

80% of our lapsed members also think that the Brightwell is accessible to those people that need the services. They identified current opening hours and no weekend services, as well as lack of transport to and from the Centre and the relaxing of the strict covid infection control rules as the main reasons behind the barriers to attending.

98% of members are either “very satisfied” or “somewhat satisfied” with the Centre’s facilities and only 2% “somewhat” or “very dissatisfied”, mainly around the hand drying facilities in the W.C.s.

Communication is an area that we will definitely be looking at with 7% of respondents feeding back that our communication is poor or inconsistent.  Email came top of the communications methods preferred by respondents followed by text messages.

In respect of reaching communities those that responded wanted to see greater connections with Health Centres and medical professionals. As well as better promotion of our Oxygen facilities and outreach to the local business community for support.

Under half of the lapsed members that responded to the survey, have let us know that they are able to access similar services closer to home. These are neuro-physiotherapy, exercise classes, counselling, and some complementary therapies like acupuncture andmassage.  The majority of lapsed respondents do not access similar therapies anywhere else.  

When asked what would bring lapsed members back to the Centre the responses that stood out were “Therapies and classes that you can bring kids along to”, “a reliable transport service to and from the centre for wheelchair users”, “Appointment times that fit in around my work schedule”.

Our stakeholders have produced a number or innovative ideas for the Brightwell going forward which include outreach for people who are newly diagnosed and building stronger bonds with the NHS and neuro services. Also, extending social activities for Members into the evening as well as outreach and healthy lifestyle activities inside and outside of the Centre.

Finally, 99% of all respondents are likely to recommend our services to others and this was backed up by so many wonderful comments like “Incredible supportive community”, “friendly, efficient, affordable”, “Professional and caring for users”, “It changed my day to day life”, “Excellent care”, ”I find it a lifeline”, “It is the only thorough physio service I have encountered in 25 years of being diagnosed…” “excellent facility whose value should be more widely known” “I thing there is no place like it, it is an important resource and yet so undervalued….” “My experience of the Brightwell has always been positive”, “It is the only place that provides continuing therapy for neuro conditions”, “It’s always good to pass on great news and that is what the Brightwell is!”

All your comments, suggestions and ideas will be discussed and considered.  They will guide our new 5-year strategy and business plan, which will be shared with you once completed.    Your input has been invaluable, and we look forward to evolving our services and delivering excellence in care at the Brightwell.

If you did not get chance to complete the online survey or attend the consultation meeting, please call Reception and ask to be put through to me personally, I will gladly welcome any additional thoughts or feedback.

Doro Pasantes CEO, The Brightwell

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