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Carers Support Session 16 January 2025 at 2pm


 Hello, My name is Wendy and I’m really looking forward to volunteering to help add ‘Support for Carers’ to the Brightwell Centre’s wide range of services.

I have had a long-standing interest and commitment to the importance of supporting carers in the vital role they play - a role which can be very rewarding but sometimes demanding and exhausting. I have had experience of working with carers in a variety of ways throughout my career as a Medical Social Worker, NHS Disability Services Manager, Counsellor and within several different voluntary sector services.  More personally, I have had first-hand experience, over the years, of being a carer  to four different family members, most recently, and for many years, for my husband who had MS.

He was a regular user of various services at the Brightwell Centre for many years and we both very much appreciated the warm welcoming atmosphere, kindness and treatments he received, as well as all the wonderful support and friendships he gained….. and I am very much looking forward to being able to offer back some time and experience in the hope that it may be of some help and support to other carers.

Research powerfully demonstrates the enormous contribution that carers make in economic savings to the State, but it has also highlighted a range of worrying concerns – including, for instance, that carers’ own health and well-being can suffer and often be neglected, that they may become socially isolated, frequently lack information about sources of help and support and may experience financial difficulties. Ensuring that carers are recognised, valued and supported in their role is, therefore, vitally important in every possible way- personally, emotionally, physically, practically and economically…And our aim is that this project will help in whatever ways we can towards achieving this.  

We’re not sure at this point exactly how the project will develop but we will be starting by developing a Carers’ Corner which will include a display of information to signpost carers to various support services that may be of assistance. We will also be holding the first session of what could become regular meetings at 2pm on Thursday 16 January at the Centre, to which any carers of people who use services at the Brightwell are warmly invited. This will enable us to begin to explore carers’ needs and views and work out how the Centre might be able to help.

I am really looking forward to meeting any carers who are interested and able to attend this meeting. It would be helpful, for planning purposes, if you could let Reception know in advance if you will be attending. And if you are not able to attend but have any views or suggestions about the project I would also be very pleased to hear from you- please let Reception know your contact details and I will get back to you.  

Best Wishes



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