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New gardening equipment thanks to Babcock International

We are very pleased to have been able to purchase an extensive amount of new gardening tools and equipment, thanks to a grant from Babcock International.

Babcock wanted to offer funding for something that would be of specific benefit to our service users, and these items definitely tick that box!

As you are no doubt aware, we are very fortunate to have a beautiful outdoor space here at The Brightwell. Over the past year or so, this outdoor space has been developed with the addition of a new terrace area, gazebo, landscaping and beds. Lots of our members, staff, visitors and volunteers made good use of this space back in the spring and summer.

However, many of our members enjoy gardening and often either due to access issues or layout, it s not practical for them to be involved in their own gardens where they live.

These new tools with assist members and volunteers to be able to get more involved and hopefully will not only benefit from the fresh air and exercise, but also have the satisfaction of everyone enjoying the fruits of their labour.

We would also like to take this opportunity to let Steve Fitt, our Premises Manager and his team of dedicated, regular volunteers, know how much we all appreciate their hard work in keeping our Centre and outdoor area so attractive and enjoyable for us all.

Thank you again to the team at Babcock, we look forward to welcoming you to the Centre very soon.

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