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Wheatfield Drive Community Update


In our ongoing effort to maintain a safe and harmonious community we would like to bring to your attention a few important points regarding Wheatfield Drive.

1. Speed Limit reminder: 20 MPH

Safety is always a priority, and we want to ensure that everyone in our community feels secure. Please be reminded that the speed limit along Wheatfield Drive is 20 miles per hour. Driving under this limit not only helps prevent accidents but also minimises noise and enhances the quality of life for all residents.

2. Pedestrians Take Priority

When pedestrians are crossing or waiting to cross the road, whether at a designated crossing or elsewhere along Wheatfield Drive, it is our collective responsibility to make sure we stop and allow them to cross. This simple act of courtesy and consideration ensures that everyone can navigate safely. This is particularly relevant during the busy drop off and pick up periods at Wheatfield School.

3. Responsible Parking

Driving carefully and parking responsibly along Wheatfield Drive when the Brightwell car park is full is a simple gesture that goes a long way to show that we are considerate and respectful to our neighbours.

We thank you for your attention and consideration to these important community guidelines and count on your support to make sure that we are all adhering to these.

If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to let me know.

Wishing you all safe travels to and from the Centre.

Doro Pasantes CEO

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